The force driving design complexity is different. 驱动设计复杂性的力量是不同的。
But achieving this capability introduced significant new levels of design complexity. 但获此能力也带来了严重的设计复杂性。
Use PS7219 chip, can significantly reduce system design complexity, and can more effectively ensure the stability of the system. 选用PS7219芯片,可以显著降低系统设计的复杂程度,而且能更有效地保证系统稳定运行。
With the development of microelectronics technology, the integration of SoC increases rapidly, and design complexity augments increasingly. 随着微电子技术的发展,SoC的集成度越来越高,设计复杂性日益增大。
Aim at the design complexity of the small arms product and the feature of multidisciplinary design optimization, this paper presented a large scale optimization model of small arms system base on MDO technology. 针对枪械产品的设计复杂性,结合多个学科领域优化的特点,提出应用多学科优化设计方法(MDO)来设计和优化武器产品。
As an object oriented modeling technique, UML is good at simplifying the design complexity, and provides powerful support to embedded system designers at different stages from requirement analysis, design, to implementation. 作为面向对象的建模技术,统一建模语言UML适合于将复杂的系统设计问题简单化,并且UML能从需求分析、设计到实现等各个阶段为嵌入式系统开发人员提供有力支持。
This paper presents a detailed design of a backplane with high speed, huge capacity and a bandwidth of 1 Tbps using the architecture of front-and-rear cross-link, which ensures signal integrity and lowers the design complexity. 本文给出了一种采用前后交叉连接结构的高速大容量背板的具体设计实现,在保证信号完整性前提下大大降低了设计难度,其总带宽达到1Tb/s。
To improve the control precision of texturing machine temperature control system ( TCS) and reduce its design complexity, a texturing machine TCS realization method based on self-turning proportion-integration-differential ( PID) was put forward. 为了提高加弹机温度控制系统(TCS)的控制精度和减小其设计复杂程度,提出了一种基于自校正比例-积分-微分(PID)控制技术的加弹机TCS实现方法。
The new method is superior to existed methods in low design complexity. 和已有的方法相比,新方法具有低设计复杂度特点。
A UML ( Unified Modeling Language) based development process is proposed for handling the design complexity of modern servo drive system. 为了处理现代交流伺服驱动器的设计复杂度,提出了一种基于通用建模语言的伺服驱动系统开发方法。
Which realizes large high performance switching and simplifies the design complexity under conditions of insuring the system performance. 在保证系统性能的前提下,简化了系统设计的复杂程度。
This paper intro-duces and analyses some software design complexity metrics that have appeared. 本文将介绍和分析已有的一些软件设计复杂性度量。
Design patterns have further advanced the abstract levels in the OOD ( Object Oriented Design), made it very easy to reuse the codes, much reduced the design complexity and promoted the quality of software designing. 设计模式提升了人们进行面向对象软件设计的抽象层次,为在更高的层次更大规模地重用提供了可能,从而大大减少了设计的复杂度,同时也提高了软件设计的质量和效率。
The three-layer architecture based on B/ S model is presented, which degrade the coupling degree and design complexity. 讨论了系统设计的原则和总体目标,提出基于B/S模式的三层体系结构,有效降低了电子缴税系统的耦合度和设计复杂度。
Computation and analysis of object-oriented design complexity metrics 面向对象设计复杂性度量计算与分析
So the microrelay enables drastic reductions in fabrication costs, physical size and design complexity. 因此可以大大地降低继电器的生产成本、物理尺寸和制造的复杂性。
Voltage monitoring, supervisory integrated circuits are very popular in the designs, in that they cannot only reduce the design complexity and the number of components, but improve system reliability and accuracy significantly, compared to separate ICs and discrete components. 使用监控IC已成为当今的设计潮流,因为它大大减少了系统电路的复杂性和元器件数量,并可以提高系统可靠性和精确度。
However, different monitoring network application determines different wireless sensor network topology. Multiple functions in a network structure will make the design complexity, and it will be contrary to the wireless sensor network design principles. 然而,不同的监控网络应用决定了不同的无线传感器网络的拓扑结构,如果将多种功能集中在一个网络结构上必将使设计复杂化,违背了无线传感器网络的设计原则。
With the increasing size and design complexity of SoC, verification becomes more and more difficult. 随着SoC设计的规模和复杂度的日益增加,其验证工作也日益繁杂,验证难度也逐渐递增。
With the ever-increasing design complexity and limited design time, it is a question for each designer: how to efficiently perform analysis and optimizations of the target system? 面对日益复杂的设计和有限的设计时间,如何有效地进行性能分析和优化,是摆在每一个处理器设计者面前的问题。
In the early two phases, modeling of product development and dependency analysis can help shortening the development cycle and reducing design complexity. 在概念设计和系统级设计阶段,产品开发过程的建模和基于模型的依赖性分析有助于缩短产品开发周期,降低产品开发的复杂性。
The development of traditional processor architecture is restricted by many problems arose in nanometer technology designs, such as power dissipation, wire delay, design complexity, etc. Tiled processor architecture is a potential solution to these challenges. 纳米工艺所带来的功耗、线延迟和设计复杂度等问题制约了处理器体系结构的发展,分片式结构设计是解决这些问题的一种方法。
It can tackle the design complexity issues of different VAS systems using a software model with multilayer system structure. 该平台采用多层体系架构的软件模型,以解决各类增值业务系统设计复杂性的问题。
The main characteristic of this plan not purely satisfy the design target, but economize the cost of device, decreasing procedure design complexity of base-band signal processor. 该方案的主要特点是在满足设计指标的同时节省了后端器件的成本,降低了基带信号处理器的程序设计复杂度。
In recent years, SoC ( System-on-Chip) has become the mainstream of current researches and applications in the integrated circuits. With the increase of integration scale and design complexity, test is facing great challenges. 近年来,系统级芯片(System-on-Chip,SoC)已成为当前研究和应用的主流,随着集成规模和复杂度的日益增大,使得其测试也面临着巨大挑战。
This article introduces CSP|| B to hardware design to reduce the design complexity of the system from the perspective of system design. 本文正是从系统设计的角度出发,建立系统的CSPB模型以降低系统设计的复杂性。
Considering the overall optimization, the joint optimization of different modules such as routing and link scheduling can reduce design complexity and further improve resource utilization. 从资源整体优化的角度来考虑,联合优化各个模块,如路由模块和链路调度模块,可以降低协议设计复杂度,并进一步提高资源利用率。
The method of digital phase shift timing was proposed to implement the time difference counter of baseband. It has high timing accuracy and can be realized by the FPGA, which reduces design complexity effectively. 本文还介绍了接收机基带的组成,基带的时差计数器采用了数字移相计时法,该方法能够由FPGA实现而且有较高的计时精度,有效降低了设计的复杂度。
As the design complexity increases and the time-to-market shrinks, it becomes increasingly important to have a development environment that supports hardware/ software co-verification. SoC系统复杂性的增加以及产品上市时间的日益迫切,使得软硬件协同验证方法在SoC系统设计中得到了更多的重视和关注。
With the design complexity and market pressures, the design of platform also has higher and higher requirements. 随着设计复杂度的不断提高和越来越短的上市时间的压力,对于平台的设计也提出越来越高的要求。